Vision: Hell is very Real!

October 31, 2015 — Vision: A PICTURE OF HELL

Some people think hell is going to be one big party and they have nothing to worry about.  Brothers and sisters, I was shown in the Spirit what hell will be like and the eternal torment that awaits for those who don’t repent and surrender their lives to The Lord Jesus Christ now.  HELL IS A REAL PLACE FOR THE DAMNED AND IT IS NOT GOING TO BE A PARTY!  

Please go to my Vimeo channel at the top for a video describing this vision

In attempting to illustrate how long eternity lasts…Think of the longest bad day you have had and how it seemed forever.  Now think of the longest trial you have suffered in your life.  We’ve all suffered trials and they seem endless and are so very painful! Sickness, loss of a loved one, injustices, mental anguish, loss of a job, broken families, loss of finances, death, addictions, you name it, we’ve all been in torment to some degree. 

Now ponder for a moment… being tortured forever!… in hell torture NEVER ends.  In hell people never stop feeling insane physical pain and mental torture, but they never die, THEY NEVER ESCAPE TORTURE AND TORMENT. The devil is very crafty in making us think that our sin is okay and justifying our lies. Satan puts a veil before our eyes and ears so that we may be fooled into believing his lies while leading us straight to destruction. The devil is the father of lies!  But there is only one God, His name is Jesus Christ and He can save your soul, all you have to do is sincerely repent and ask Him to be your Lord over all of your life, ask Him to take the veil off of your eyes and ears. Jesus will save you, just ask Him to save you!

If you know someone who is not born again or you yourself are not born again in Jesus, I plead that you read this post and listen to the video below. If you are in this place in your life, I don’t have to personally know you for my heart to break just thinking how painful it would be for any of us to end up in hell.  

freely-10177_e337x225-Rev2015This is what The Lord showed me thru an open vision:  I saw people by multitudes marching like soldiers to the abyss of the lake of fire; HELL IS REAL! People seemed not to care, they only cared about themselves. They were marching to their deaths like programmed machines, more concerned about the things of this world and blaspheming The Living God. They were surrounded by total darkness.

As I saw them marching to the lake of fire, I thought to myself, “people The Lord created you and He loves you, please wake up and turn to The Lord!” and The Lord said, “I show you things to come”, “tell others so those that are lost may turn to Me before it’s too late for it is not My will that any should perish”….

People in hell will be tortured without mercy continuously. Agony and fear will be endless. No one will care for them to rescue them and their torment will be beyond anything they can bear, the riveting sounds and noise coming from the people screaming in pain and torture is unimaginable, yet they will not ever die.

There are many degrees of fire and torment.  Beasts mixed with humans (fallen angels) will devour and kill humans even when they try to run and hide but there will be no place to hide. They will be constantly surrounded by demons and they will be devoured alive over and over again, yet they will not ever die.

Their skin melts off, their eyes fall out, boils form under their skin and pain is unbearable, but they will not die. Humans are sexually raided very grotesquely and their suffering is never quenched. Because they live in endless torture fear grips them beyond comprehension but they will not die ever. For those that don’t love Jesus with all their heart, turn away from their sins and repent, this will be their eternal destiny. Those that take the mark of the beast will go to the lake of fire. But the biggest agony will be the torture of being separated from the love of Jesus Christ for eternity and knowing they had a chance to repent and they did not listen!

Matthew 10:28  – And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear Him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.

Rev 20:15 – And anyone not found written in the Book of Life was cast into the lake of fire.

Isaiah 47: 7-11 (Read these scriptures)- [Isa 47:10-11 NKJV] 10 “For you have trusted in your wickedness; You have said, ‘No one sees me’; Your wisdom and your knowledge have warped you; And you have said in your heart, ‘I [am], and [there is] no one else besides me.’ 11 Therefore evil shall come upon you; You shall not know from where it arises. And trouble shall fall upon you; You will not be able to put it off. And desolation shall come upon you suddenly, [Which] you shall not know.

Brothers and sisters, if you are reading this and you have not received Jesus in your heart and surrendered completely to The Almighty, please I urge you to do so now. Ask Him sincerely to forgive you and to come into your heart and save you, He will write your name in the Book of Life. Time is short. Jesus is coming soon! Hell is very real, and it was never meant for humans. God does not will for any of us to perish. He died for us so that we may have eternal life with Him in Paradise. May The Lord Bless you!

For those that still don’t believe that hell is a real place for those that are not written in The Book of Life.  I urge you to listen to my video on vimeo and let your eyes and ears be opened for your soul’s sake.  PLEASE DO NOT PLAY WITH YOUR DESTINY.  YOUR CHOICE IS EVERLASTING.  May God bless us all!